
McCormick announces Terry Goodin as running mate in Governor’s race

After the controversy surrounding the selection of Micah Beckwith as the Lieutenant Governor for the Braun campaign, Jennifer McCormick has chosen an equally controversial candidate as her running mate.

Mike Braun and Donald Trump had both endorsed Julie McGuire for the LG position but Indiana Republican Delegates went in another direction. Beckwith gained attention state wide through his Christian Nationalism and attempts to ban books in local libraries.

Now McCormick has just announced that Terry Goodin will be her running mate. Goodin is currently the state director of Rural Development for the United State Department of Agriculture.

He is a former state representative from house district 66, a region just southeast of Bedford, Indiana, and a former school superintendent of the Crothersville Community Schools.

Many consider him a controversial pick for McCormick because of his stances on abortion and gun rights, but that may also help her appeal to a state that has grown steadily more conservative over the past two decades.

With the Libertarian Party’s selection of Donald Rainwater and Tonya Hudson as their candidates for governor and lieutenant governor a heated three way race has been set for this November.

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